- Tony Rino
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Classical Singing & Media Creation - Tony Rino

Tony Rino's New CD

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Tony's Debut CD

Over $13,000.00 raised for charities!

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*Grazie was a volunteer project by
Tony Rino and Jacques Rizkallah

All proceeds from the sale
of this limited edition CD distributed by
Our Lady of Grace Church, Knights of Columbus
Council #12419

Approximately $3,000.00 of the funds raised were used to
purchase winter jackets for the homeless in Calgary.

Members of Council #12419 distribute jackets to the homeless in Calgary.
Members of Council #12419 distribute jackets
to the homeless in Calgary, October 25, 2002.

12419 Members L to R:
Tony Rino, Smiling,
Fred Underhill, Holding Red Jacket,
Ron McPhail, Walking

Proceeds from the sale of Grazie were also distributed to:
Holy Spirit Knights Council, Calgary
Holy Name WYD Concert
Calgary Italian Club - Feed the Hungry
Calgary Canadian Club - Charities
St. Peter's Church Childcare International
St Anthony's Church Childcare International
Santa Maria Goretti, Edmonton
St Thomas Moore Church
Holy Trinity Church
St Thomas Moore (St Vincent de Paul Society)
St Mary's School, Cranbrook
Project Rachel
Annual Bishop's Appeal
Holy Trinity Church
The Mustard Seed Ministry
L'Arche Calgary
Canadian Cancer Society
Red Deer Lake United Church
Development and Peace

Find out more about the Knights at

Find out more about Our Lady of Grace Church at

"O Sole Mio" appears on the CD courtesy of Project Rachel Calgary

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  1. "La Donna E Mobile"
    (from the Opera "Rigoletto")
    Rodgers Pipe Organ: Jacques Rizkallah
    composed in 1851 by Giuseppe Verdi (1813 - 1901)
  2. "Torna A Surriento"
    Rodgers Pipe Organ: Jacques Rizkallah
    Composed in 1902
    by G. B. De Curtis & Ernesto De Curtis (1875-1937)
  3. "Mamma"
    Rodgers Pipe Organ: Jacques Rizkallah
    composed in 1940
    by Cesare Andrea Bixio (1896-1978)
    Copyright 2001 by Bixio Music Group - ASCAP
    used with permission
  4. "Santa Lucia"
    Rodgers Pipe Organ: Jacques Rizkallah
    Composed in 1848 by T. Cottrau, A. Longo (1827 - 1879)
  5. "My Love For You"
    Duet Featuring Heather Liscano and Tony Rino
    Roland Piano and Strings: Jacques Rizkallah
    composed by Jacques Rizkallah
    lyrics by Antonio Rino
    c. Rizkallah/Rino 2001
  6. "The Lord's Prayer"
    Roland Piano: Jacques Rizkallah
    composed in 1949 by Albert Hay Malotte (1895-1964)
    used with permission
  7. "Ave Maria"
    Rodgers Pipe Organ: Jacques Rizkallah
    composed by Franz Schubert (1797-1828)
  8. "Panis Angelicus"
    Duet Featuring Father and Son,
    Joe and Tony Rino
    Roland Piano: Jacques Rizkallah
    composed by César Franck. (1822 - 1890)
  9. "Ave Verum Corpus"
    Roland Piano: Jacques Rizkallah
    composed by Wolfgang Mozart (1756-1791)
  10. "Viaggio Nella Vita"
    Duet Featuring Father and Son,
    Joe and Tony Rino
    Rodgers Pipe Organ: Jacques Rizkallah
    composed by Don Giosy Cento
    English Lyrics by Antonio Rino
    Additional Accompaniment by Jacques Rizkallah
    used with permission
  11. "O Sole Mio (Live)"
    From the CD "A Song For Rachel
    - An Extraordinary Concert Celebration"
    Project Rachel,
    Calgary Catholic Family Resource Centre
    Piano: Cheryl Emery
    composed in 1898 by G. Capurro & E. Di Capua
    used on Grazie with permission from CMMRA
    and Project Rachel Calgary

Recorded and Produced by Antonio Rino

All songs used with permission
All songs (except O Sole Mio) recorded at
Our Lady of Grace Church, Calgary, Alberta

To Father Valentino Alberton and Father Tito Ranola
Thank You For Your Inspiration

For Pina, Joseph & Rosa
Thank you for your unwaivering support and love
... and for all your patience!

Special Thanks to: Boardwalk Equities,,
Canada Disc and Tape, CMRRA, Cindy Hui,
Denis Grady, Don Giosy Cento, Father Tito Ranola,
Frank Russo, Gabriele Kalincak, Heather Liscano,
IDM Music, Maria Gagliardi, Mom and Dad (of course!),
Patrick Rizkallah, Project Rachel Calgary,
Roberto Bignoli, Sarah Donnelly, SOCAN,
and The Knights of Columbus Council #12419
...and thanks to God (the Executive Producer!)
c. 2001 All rights reserved, including all rights of the producer
and of the owner of the recorded work.
Unauthorized copying, public performance,
broadcasting, internet use,
hiring or rental of this recording prohibitied,
as provided by applicable law.

the measure you give will be the measure you get back

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